Sunday, January 30, 2011

And Here We Go

well the new semester of school has officially started and it is going to be a tough one but i am really going to work hard ! I am trying to adjust to getting up at 7 every day and let me just tell you my body is in SHOCK. Literally this whole weekend I could not put a proper sentence together and people probably think I have gone insane but hey there is nothing I can do.

So lets see here . . . the other day I was at the shell station and I noticed something very very odd and I guarantee no one has ever seen something like this ! I saw a truck with a giant pterodactyl (fake of course) perching on the back of it like it was made to go there. It was just chillin there staring at everyone who was behind the truck. It looked like something straight out of Jurassic Park I kid you not. Honestly, who comes up with these ideas?

Weird things tend to happen to me so here is another interesting event in my life that happened the other day. Basically we stole someones parking spot at school but she was and idiot because although she had been sitting in her car so she claims "for an hour" she wasn't smart enough to think o there is a man walking towards his car i better turn my car on. Like HELLO ! So she flips us off and we laugh because she was so angry over nothing. Well when we get back to the car there is a note from her threatening us because we stole "her" spot. Does she not realize that she doesn't own all of the CSUCI parking spots. She dropped the B word at least 10 times in that note I kid you not. Goes back to the old saying . . . You snooze you loose !! Sorry Chick !

Alex's surprise 21st birthday party was a complete success and he was so surprised it made both of us tear up. I was so excited that we actually pulled it off thanks to MONICA and Gayle and Matt. Alex was so excited that all of his closest freinds and family were there just for him. I am glad he could have a special 21st Birthday party and I am glad everyone could come ! Besides one broken couch the night was a success !

Another funny moment . . . there is a new homeless guy in Camarillo that thinks it is a good idea to stand in the middle of the street where cars are traveling at at least 50mph. And then he flips us off like we are doing something wrong. He flipped me off the other day because he was in the middle of the street and I needed to turn past him. Maybe I was in the wrong but I doubt it. I guess he truly believes pedestrians have the right of way no matter what the situation.

You know what my friends and i do for fun on a Friday night? We make dinosaur cookies!

Monica and I decided that it would be hilarious to greet people when we are working by kicking our leg up and punching the air like we are doing some kick boxing. Honestly it is the funniest thing but a visual is probably necessary for this one.

Well that is an update of my life. I am sure there is more but my brain is not working and I know what is going to happen. The second I post this all of the funny things will come rushing in. Typical!
I really have a huge obsession with whales and for some reason I really just wanted to put a picture of a whale on my blog !

Monday, January 10, 2011

For Meghann

soooooo i have to write in my blog for meghann because i promised her i would write at least every other day and i have for sure been slacking. sorry about that girlie it is the story of my life to be slacker.

so i went to the comedy club in Hermosa on Wednesday night with Alex, Shawna, and Cameron and it was so funny. i was really hoping to be called on stage but it didn't happen. secretly i want to be a stand up comedian but i guarantee i would fail big time ! and the funniest joke was when the headliner said "i bought some army underwear . . . to support my troops!" I DIED THAT IS FREAKING HILARIOUS. like who comes up with that? apparently Nick Thoone does. and then there was this magician who pulled a giant white cat (yes it was alive) out of nowhere. i was stunned ! he actually kind of freaked me out to be honest because magicians are really weird people.

in the morning we had breakfast on the boardwalk and it was delicious and very entertaining because I LOVE PEOPLE WATCHING. Hermosa has some great people to watch they are just insane down there. we saw some fake boobies, some milfs, some doggies, etc. this reminds me of the time miss Kelly told me that she could eat cereal out of my bra and i told her well your bra could be my pastie !!!!!!!!!! smooth come back if I don't say so myself !

i have had so much italian food lately and i feel like i am turning into an italian. not a bad way to go but i think i am going to cut back on my italian food intake. no mas. and i made crack cookies (we call them crack cookies because they are soooo addicting it's like crack). shawna and i love to make these and Meghann almost burnt them but it is ok i saved them.

i would just like to give a shout out to my favorite show in the whole wide world Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. BFF Lisa V she is my favorite and i strive to have her life.

ok Meghann i hope you enjoyed this because this one's for you !!!!!!!!!! get out of here you 22 year old !

Friday, January 7, 2011

Where is my Margarita?

Today I went to lunch with my mommy at the Camarillo airport. Most would think . . . who the heck would eat lunch at an airport in Camarillo and the answer is ME ! Honestly it is probably the most delicious meal I have ever had at an airport. The little cafe is so cute and so yummy I cant wait to go back for breakfast. What a nice way to spend an afternoon watching the planes go by and having a lovely conversation with my mommy and Cindy. I mailed my letter to Jeff today and it made me really think about how he is doing and I hope he is surviving that darn Marine boot camp. He can do it because he is a true champ and I believe in him.

We went to starbucks and this lady walked in with pointy boobies. Cindy said it looked like she shoved construction cones down her shirt and I would have to agree. And then the barista decided to tell us a story that was so stupid I didn't even laugh (she was trying to be funny). There was this dog that had a limp tongue it was reallllly cute. Starbucks was a happening place.

I got woodranch for dinner. By the way everyone should try Natalie's salad before they die it is delicious. And their rolls of course lived up to their expectations. Duh!

Emily came over with her ninja blender and let me just tell you that thing can whip up anything . . . even peanut butter. Yeah that's right get a ninja ! And then Meghann came over with delicious food that she doesn't want to eat anymore and of course Monica and I will eat it. We love food no matter what the occasion! And then Kaitlyn came over and we decided I should re discover my blog and it took some effort but I did it! What a nice night with my girlies!