Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Simple Things

I love the simple things in life. A friendly smile, a cozy hug, a sweet kiss, a pleasant conversation all make me feel loved. Today was a relaxing Saturday filled with love and simplicity. I got the opportunity to look at old family photos, have a lovely brunch with my mom, dad, and boyfriend, go get starbucks with my mom, and bake some homemade cookies ! And tonight we are going to have a nice dinner at Larsons and go see Inception.

I love being surrounded by the people who love me most. They make me feel special and loved and fill my heart with warmth and comfort. Today has been a perfect day and I see and feel nothing but love around me.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Beginning

Well . . . i figured i would start a blog. A place where i can write my thoughts and share my stories. A place that will always listen and be open to my internal ideas. And a place to simply reflect on my everyday happenings.

Today was just way too hot for me. I like the heat but when i am literally sweating every second of the day i get a little irritated. My perfect day is a temperature of 75 with clear sunny skies. Today was not one of those perfect days but i started my day off with a quote. "A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition." I live by this quote because I truly believe that I could be having the worse day of my life where everything goes wrong but I will strive to keep a sunny outlook and not let the bad things chew me up and spit me out.

I decided to turn my grumpy mood around after my class this morning and my day keeps getting better ! Maybe i will try harder to make every day a good day and only focus on the positives. Like: I am lucky to have the opportunity to go to college and get an education (even if it is at 8am during my summer). I am lucky to have a job that is truly life changing and makes me appreciate everything I have. I am lucky to have a loving mom, a loving dad, and a loving brother. I am lucky to have the friends I have who will always be there to support me no matter what. And, I am lucky to have a wonderful and loving boyfriend who appreciates me and loves me just the way I am.

My goal: to focus on the positives and eliminate the negatives. Whether it be thoughts, people, or things.

And by the way, Despicable Me was one of the cutest movies I have seen in awhile. I left the theater with a smile on my face. It would be awesome to have by very own minion ! They are just so cute !